Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Depressed Teenagers: The Bad Effect of Pushing

Depression would diminish our children the ability to think actively and weakens their appetite for food; they would become not active in school and their studies; they would cheat during examinations to get high grades because if they failed their parents would punish them.
In our children cheating is also distinct. In school students cheat to get high grades during examinations. Cheating here cannot be stopped but we can help to reduce it and it should start at home. When they grow up they would become responsible, honest and God-fearing citizen.
Pushing also drive children to mingle bad company of friends, who are also experiencing the same problems. Parents should know that bad company corrupts good character of a child and the worse thing is that, this company of friends would encourage these children to engage them to use prohibited drugs. With these drugs they could find peace and temporary relief and forget their studies. Eventually these children would become drug addicts and would commit crimes in the future against society such as to cheat.
However, children should understand that parents want only the best for them and that is why they push them to excel in academic performance. Pushing should not distract them. In case they feel depressed, they should treat that feeling positively. They should realize that depression is normal feeling. The trick is to learn to manage it.
Teachers in school should treat their students like their own children. They should be patient to teach their students’ lessons with dedications and commitments. They should tell their students about the bad effects of cheating in their lives.
But what is of more importance is communication between parents and children. Parents should always communicate with their children as often as possible. Often communication can relieve their children’s emotional distress. Parents should find time to discuss with them all matters and to hear their side. Parents should understand that teenage is a delicate time in a child’s life. Children need guidance, understanding, compassion and love.
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About the Author – My favorite Saying: “Dream big and don’t stop without giving it a chance to come true.” I am a father of 3 for 25 years, OFW for 17 years , a Blogger, sometimes a Poet, Self-motivated and Professional by experience. You can call me Paul or Pruel. I am friendly animal but can kick you off when it is needed. LOL. I have no specific areas where my writing will focus on. I write any subject that interests me under the merciless sun.  

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