Friday, June 8, 2012

Notebook is The Easiest to Use Way of Getting The Ideas Down Safely

For making notes when out and about, tape recorders and mobile phones will work or when an idea occurs that you want to record quickly but aside from them notebooks are also useful for this purpose. All writers should carry a notebook and pen or pencil wherever they go. Gordon Pemberton explains this so well in his handbook How to Write Your Textbook.
He said: “The human mind is a complicated mechanism, with plenty of anomalies. On the one hand it can come up with a really bright idea when you are not consciously searching for one. On the other hand it can forget ideas in a mtter of seconds. A writer’s lament is often, ‘It was a great idea that came to me and now I have forgotten what it was.’
I use a hard-backed notebook because I can write in it anywhere wiothout needing anything to rest it on. A very apt title for one of my books came into my mind some years ago when I was in the middle of a filed of tall rhubarb, trying to recover my son’s kit. I stopped immdediately, took out the notebook and wrote it down, much to the puzzlement of several onlookers. But, if you don’t do this kind of thing, you may lose a good idea.”
Such experiences as this are quite common for writers. So, always have your notebook handy – even if it does make a small bulge in your pocket or handbag! You should also keep notebooks or files for your writing ideas and for any pieces of incidental writing you do. You never know when you may be able to use them. Whenever an idea comes to you for an article, story or plot – write it down. 
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About the Author – My favorite Saying: “Dream Big and don’t stop without giving it a chance to come true.” I am a father of 3 for 25 years, OFW for 17 years , a Blogger, sometimes a Poet, Self-motivated and Professional by experience. You can call me Paul or Pruel. I am friendly animal but can kick you off when it is needed. LOL. I have no specific areas where my writing will focus on. I write any subject that interests me under the merciless sun.

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