Users of Google plus can now market their articles to their G+ circle of friends directly from their blog sites or websites dashboards or control panels where they create their awesome, inspiring and interesting columns or articles. However, this method will work well if they are running their own blog sites or websites and their Google+ accounts have already upgraded to Google+ Followers and is visible on their blog sites or websites landing page.
How to get the upgrade gadget?
- First determine what title to use for your column and write it down on the title section.
- Write again the title of your column as the opening sentence of your article summary or description.
- At the end of the title add "+". Example: "The Rumored Doomsday was Over and It is Worth Remembering+".
- Adding "+" and the first letter of your G+ friend's name at the end of your article title, the names of all your Google+ followers will appear - click the name of your first choice and it will be added. Add again the "+" sign to add another follower.
- Every time you added the "+" sign, the names of your G+ circle of friends will appear and it is up to you if you will add them all.
- If your intention is to share your article to all your Google+ friends you can do so. But remember this application will work only if you're already a registered G+ member and the Google+ Followers gadget is activated on your blog.
- Now assuming that you already done adding your G+ friends - proceed now writing the article summary or description down to the last paragraph of your article body. If there are photos or video that you like to add on your column - add them too including some related articles with their permalinks.
- And then determine your post settings: labels or tags of your article or column, schedule, permalink, location and other option found on the right side of the editorial section.
- And before sending your column to publish mode - you should have to preview it first - to check the proper layout, settings, spelling and grammar errors.
- After the preview and you are sure that everything has done - go back now to the original draft and hit publish. View your blog now. At the time your article is published on your blog site - it is also the time that your article will appear on your G+ friends account landing pages.